How to Get Your House Organized for Fall

With summer coming to an end and fall just around the corner it’s time to get organized. The changing of the seasons can be even more important if you’re planning on selling your home this fall. Many of us don’t really want to admit that the fall season is coming, but as soon as we acknowledge it’s presence the better prepared we are for the changes that come with it. 

The difference between enjoying the fall colours and stressing over clogged eavestroughs is organization. And that’s why we asked KW Professional Organizers, KWPO, to share 4 simple tasks to help our Cambridge, KW, and Guelph home owners feel organized and in control this fall. 

Making time to save time

Planning is your secret weapon to combat stressful decision making this fall! One secret that KWPO shared is the notion that a little planning ahead of time can save you hours of work in the future. The planning doesn’t need to be complicated either. A simple pen and paper with a bit of thought can be a real lifesaver when it comes to getting organized. 

Getting everyone in the house excited for fall

Okay, okay. Organization and planning isn’t everyone’s piece of cake, but that’s why we’re sharing some simple tasks to help get your juices flowing. Motivating partners or children with incentives can also help everyone get on the same page for home organization. For example, if your child is wanting a special costume for Halloween, maybe they’re willing to do some fall yard work to make their wish come true. Gamifying the mundane house chores will be a sure way to get things done on time.

4 simple tasks to feel organized for fall

Change the Hall Closets – this activity happens when the first sign of cold weather is about to hit. The idea is that you are packing up the majority of summer stuff to switch out for the fall clothes. We’re talking about coats, shoes, accessories, and bags. There is nothing worse than waking up to a cold rain or blizzard and not having your toque ready!

Shutting Down the Outside – for many home owners this list may include emptying the rain barrel, cleaning eavestroughs, putting away the hose, etcetera. Make a list of any of the chores that apply to you and your home situation. Schedule time now to get those non-exciting activities done. You’ll thank yourself in the spring when you don’t have to buy a new hose.

Plan Your Decorations – for many home owners the fall season is one of showing off pumpkins and planters of mums to keep our spirits bright. Decorations can also cause a lot of stress if they are packed away. Do your family a favour and plan ahead to have this stuff organized and ready to put out.

Making Calendars – okay, this may not be the most glamourous task, but it’s going to alleviate a lot of stress and decision-making for the whole household. If you have children or young dependents this can be a real gamechanger for avoiding disappointments and arguments. Print or input plans into the digital calendar; for example events, school schedules, and appointments. Leave this in a visual area of the home, so that it provides a reminder and acts as a conversation piece for the family.

Keeping organized and cozy this fall

So whether you’re buying or selling a home this fall or maybe just staying put, there is incentive for getting organized. The more time you spend crossing tasks off your list, the more time you have for getting your hygge on this fall. Wishing you a cozy season.

Curt Knight, Broker of Record at TrilliumWest

At TrilliumWest, we don't believe real estate should be a cut-and-paste world.

We are not a big box franchise, but instead, highly-skilled professionals who work and raise our families right here in the Region.

It is our goal to find real solutions, create custom strategies and to earn your business each and every day.

This is craft real estate, friends.

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